柯尼柯尼呀: so weird, way worse than i thought it would be (the worst movie I have ever seen, of any genre.(the feeling sneak up on me again ahhhhhh whatever sh1t im going thru, rollercoaster ride or plain-day happening, face turned red, like rly angry, when he was in a good mood, hes rly good when hes good, like, fake good still counts.
小肚子✨:拍出来的感觉始终和文章不同不过还好没有惊喜没有失望只是太平淡了几乎没留下影像略微出现的年轻的小姨子中文是托尼那张缺乏表情木纳皱褶的脸 和原著比沉闷了
陇首云归:上一次在大银幕看已经是12年前了 好感慨这个光速倒车的世界